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Ideal container type for shipping


You know how to transport your goods? Learn about the types of most suitable container for international shipping.

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Here we talk about the variety of container standards models to transport your goods in international trade. What defines the type of container to be hired is the type of cargo that will be transported.


Types of container

Container  Dry


Container dry is the most common worldwide. Because of that it has a wide variation for the most different applications.


Made with Corten steel, a steel alloy 75% stronger than conventional steel it is perfect to withstand the most varied climate actions. Besides being able to be kept in the open, without compromising its structure and its cargo.

Due to its great versatility the dry container has been used for general cargo, such as bags, shoes, utensils, pallets, boxes and drums, and can be stored the most different types of products. It also serves well the demand for custom designs. The unmodified Container Dry is fully enclosed, with only two rear doors for loading and unloading.


In most cases the dry container measurements are 20 feet (6 meters) or 40 feet (12 meters) with a height of 2.60 meters.

Container HC ou High Cube


In terms of structure the HC container is very similar to the dry container, what basically changes is its height. Models of Container High Cube are 30 cm taller than the dry container, therefore they behave a little more load.


This container is often used in situations involving cooling and housing people because for it to be higher, there is the advantage for the allocation of the necessary

structure for cooling and also offers more space for custom designs.​


Because of this difference in their height it’s the most suitable to develop homes, offices and other projects for the people.

Container Reefer 



The reefer or refrigerated container is the model indicated for very specific situations, situations in which preservation or freezing of various products is necessary. Along the same is required throughout the coating and also the installation of all equipment for cooling.

Because of these details this container contains a smaller footprint than the others, because the coating and equipment for refrigeration are required. This container can handle temperatures ranging from -25 ° C to + 25 ° C, but these temperatures are directly linked to the quality of the accompanying equipment.


An important detail is that instead of being made of corten steel, Chilled Container is made of stainless steel or duralumin.

Container Tank


Just as the Reefer Container, tank container is also used in very specific situations. It is very common to see it tied to liquid (fuel or chemical) or gas charges.


This type of container requires a whole security apparatus and must follow some very strict technical standards, because in most cases its load has a high degree of dangerousness.

Container Open Top



Also used in situations very specific the open top container is very similar to a trailer (semi-trailer), because it does not have the top, ie the roof is open boasting some removable arches, and covered only by a tarp and Its floor is made of wood.

This type of container is suitable for loads that can not be loaded through the container doors are generally larger loads such as machinery, stones, building materials, glass or even parts for all kinds of products. Measurements and structures follow the pattern of dry containers.

Container Open Side


Much like the Open Top, the container open side possess only three walls, with one of its side opens.


Because of this open side it can be used with internal bays, separate environments or even used to transport animals or loads that require a greater width. Measurements and structures follow the pattern of dry containers.

Ventilated Container


This container is for those loads that need to “breathe”. But it is not necessary that I need live loads.


At the structure of a dry container, however, there are small openings for entry and exit of the arc, making sure that the load is ventilated.

Generally, this type of container is used for products such as coffee, cocoa, seeds, bait and other products of the genus.

Container Bulk


The bulk or bulk container also follows a structure of a dry container, but as it is designed for loading in bulk, it has some openings and hatches for loading and unloading cargo.


They are ideal containers for seed loads, small stones or sand, they can be easily transported from one place to another.

Container Flat Rack



When you see this container, you will hardly know that the Flat Rack is indeed a container. This model is a mixture of Open Top and Side Open, that is, it opens the roof and sides, with only the floor and the heads at each end. This container is very common for large loads.

Loads that exceed the limits of height and width of a standard container. They are widely used for transportation of large parts, agricultural machinery and construction.


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